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Dolączyć do ulubionychNew models wanted - good pay!

Hi ladies


I am a private, hobby photographer in London and I am looking for new models for private photoshoots. For the right girls, I pay a good salary!


I do not show or sell my pictures, they are for me only but I can give you a few if you are interested.


You should be under 30, FEMALE (NO guys thanks!) and slim with a nice figure, attractive and enthusiastic. You DO NOT need any experience as I prefer shooting in a natural style.


If you enjoy posing and if you are interested, please respond to me by email with some information about you, contact details and a few pictures of yourself.


Thank you

Imię: Ravi Ram
Miejscowość: Greater London › North West London, Kilburn
ID ogłoszenia: #10082
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-03-25
Przeczytano razy: 422
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