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Dolączyć do ulubionychReceptionist/ administrator

Applicants must be proficient in Word and Excel and have excellent numerical skills, previous administration experience would be preferred. Will be working in a small office environment. Duties are answering the telephone, handling of mail, the administration side of the role is working for 4 to 5 managers providing general administration including typing and spreadsheet work. Temporary ongoing contract to cover maternity leave.

Wage is negotiable depending on experience and skills

You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Mrs R Reilly at. P1 Solutions Ltd,

enquiries [at] p1ltd [dot] com
Imię: P1 Solutions Ltd
Telefon: 07889260452
Miejscowość: Edynburg
ID ogłoszenia: #10937
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-03-29
Przeczytano razy: 378
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