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Dolączyć do ulubionychEnglish Customer Service Advisor

Capgemini Infrastructure Outsourcing Services is one of the biggest outsourcing service providers in Poland. IOS has achieved great success and grown rapidly since the establishment of our first service center in Krakow six years ago. In 2006, we opened a second center in Katowice. Today, our team of 1,600 professionals delivers IT outsourcing services to 40 clients in 20 languages.

To our newly opened Department in IOS Center in Krakow we are currently looking for Candidates for the position of:
Imię: Capgemini Polska
Miejscowość: Londyn
ID ogłoszenia: #12051
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-04-07
Przeczytano razy: 471
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