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Dolączyć do ulubionychWLYP.CO.UK 14 Sorrell Drive 1 pokoj na Walsall Birmingham 375 za miesiac

LANDLORDS WE ALWAYS REQUIRE MORE PROPERTIES... TRY US TODAY. 500+ transactions in 18 months. There's no reason, not too.

Description: As per the title bar.

Check our website for more photos:

Minimum contract term 6 months, 1 month's rent in advance, 1 month's deposit, administration fee £195 & references from your employer, current landlord or a guarantor.

Please call 0121 285 5005 or chat with us live on line.

Join our Facebook page for all our latest properties & special property offers:­eloveyourpostcode

Follow our blog for the latest news and info on renting: http://weloveyourpostcode­

Kind regards,

The W Group
Telefon: 0121 285 5005
ID ogłoszenia: #14017
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-04-29
Przeczytano razy: 598
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