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Dolączyć do ulubionychMazda 6 2.0 TS 2003 Disel 136 PS

Mazda in perfect condition

I have this car for 2 years,car in a lot of new parts:

new tires

new clutch and flywheel LUK

new timing belt complete with water pump LUK

New discs and pads

always the best oil Dexelia

I have all the parts invoices and service book entries

Service History

need to replace the oil sensor,except that everything is working


(mowie po polsku)

Imię: Dawid
Telefon: 07506284656
ID ogłoszenia: #14547
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-05-04
Przeczytano razy: 413
Generated in: 0.0668 sec. ,mysql 0.0489 sec. (23)
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