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Dolączyć do ulubionychI am looking for a job from July !



My name is Piotr and I am from Poland. I will be in London from 2nd July and I am looking for a job as waiter/cleaner/receptionist/in office/bar or restaurant and hotel. It will be great when this job will has a free weekend and will be in Hunslow,Greenwich, City. Only full time !


I graduated a collage in Poland. I worked in Stansted Aiport and from 2009 to 05.2012 I worked in City Council. My english is intermediate.


More info on e-mail.
Imię: Piotrek
Telefon: +48 (0) 726627657
Miejscowość: Greater London
ID ogłoszenia: #17377
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-06-17
Przeczytano razy: 503
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