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Dolączyć do ulubionychLuton LPG- Leading Power Gas-Bedfordshire

Oferujemy Montaż Serwis Instalacji L.P.G

Profesjonalne wykonanie oparte na wysokiej jakości podzespołach instalacji gazowych.

Pełne instalacje gazowe z angielskim certyfikatem i 2 letnią gwarancją. 

silnik-4CYLINDRY-od 900GBP

silnik-5,6CYLINDRY-od 1100GBP

silnik-8CYLINDRY-od 1300GBP

!!!UWAGA!!!Teraz ustawianie instalacji po sondzie !AFR! Precyzyjne dostrojenie twojej instalacji!!!


Why convert to LPG?

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a clean and safe fuel that

has a range of properties closest to petrol. The main benefit

of converting to LPG is it's low price (almost half that of petrol).

Don't forget about environmental savings too!

A diesel engines produces about 20 times as much NOX as

an LPG engine, thus having a huge impact on air quality.

A diesel engine produces about 120 times as many ultra-fine

particulates as an LPG engine. These nasty little

particulates lodge in your lungs and cause respiratory

problems that tend to build up over the years.

A petrol engines produces around 20% more CO2 than an LPG engine.

All these reasons make LPG brilliant alternative for petrol and diesel.

About us

Leading Power Gas LPG Conversions specialise in the highest

quality installations of fully developed "Sequential Multipoint"

LPG Systems into petrol engines. We ensure that every

conversion is carried out to the LP Gas Association standards

(Code of Practice 11 for Autogas Installations).

As approved installers by Tinley Tech we have been trained to

all LPGA requirements for Autogas Installation.
Imię: Krzysiek Maichał
Telefon: 07842912415
Miejscowość: Całe UK
ID ogłoszenia: #19472
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-07-17
Przeczytano razy: 719
Generated in: 0.5959 sec. ,mysql 0.5768 sec. (21)
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