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Dolączyć do ulubionychPiękny dwuosobowy pokój dla dziewczyny w Finsbury Park

Lovely double room in a nice 3 bedroom flat, shared with 3 other profesionals, family like atmosphere, 10 minutes walk from Finsbury Park underground station, there are 10 buses including night buses, 2 undergound lines, overgroung station, 2 minutes to Tesco, lots of pubs, restaurants and shops within 5 minutes walk. 10 minutes walk to the park, and there is 7 tennis courts in the park (free).

4 Fenstanton Marquis Rd

N4 3AT

Deposit 365 pounds and the rent is 450 pounds all inclusive.

- free wi fi

- balcony

- spare laptop

- washing machine

- microwave

- storage cupboard

Imię: Marcin
Telefon: 07765073009
ID ogłoszenia: #21794
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-08-07
Przeczytano razy: 660
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