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This is a self employed vacancy. We are looking for a smart person with exemplary spoken and written English and maths up to O-level (or equivalent) standard. Person will have to obtain or hold a South Oxfordshire District Council Hackney Carriage badge. Must have a full, clean drivers licence. Must be hardworking, proactive, loyal and trustworthy. You will be driving Hackney off the rank and fulfilling pre-booked bookings. Self-employed people are responsible for paying their own National Insurance contributions and Tax. For information on how benefits are affected and whether entitlement may be lost, speak to a Jobcentre Plus Adviser. The Company has given an assurance that this vacancy enables workers to achieve a wage equivalent to the National Minimum Wage rate.
Telefon: 0149 1521171 ext 0 or 07500 430715 ext 0 and asking for Raleigh
ID ogłoszenia: #23505
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-09-16
Przeczytano razy: 449
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