ększy portal ogloszeń w W.Brytanii, Anglii

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This is a self employed vacancy. Previous experience is required and a PCO Licence is required. Larger vehicle licences advantageous. Duties include standard Taxi operations - drops and pick ups where needed. Self-employed people are responsible for paying their own National Insurance contributions and Tax. For information on how benefits are affected and whether entitlement may be lost, speak to a Jobcentre Plus Adviser. Successful applicants are required to provide an enhanced disclosure. Disclosure expense will be met by applicant. CV's can be sent to or
Miejscowość: Wembley
ID ogłoszenia: #2633
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2011-11-06
Przeczytano razy: 427
Generated in: 0.3534 sec. ,mysql 0.3212 sec. (23)
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