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Dolączyć do ulubionychpraca w hotelu

We are looking for :

- HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISORS - to work in very busy Heathrow Hotel (900 bedrooms)

Just people with experience (min. 6 months ) and good level of English.

We are offering:



-paid holiday


-ROOMS ATTENDANTS-To clean rooms to expected standards

-making beds



-cleaning bathrooms

-and any other tasks assigned by your manager or supervisors

If You are interest in the positions above , and have relevant experience , please contact us by e- mail address : or the number below :

-07849545531 and contact Marta

Poszukujemy ludzi do pracy w hotelu na pozycjach :


-housekeeping supervisor(min 6 miesiecy doswiadczenia)

-kitchen portera

kontakt tak jak powyzej
Imię: marta
Telefon: +44 (0) 7849545531
Miejscowość: South West England, heathrow
ID ogłoszenia: #27495
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-12-02
Przeczytano razy: 676
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