ększy portal ogloszeń w W.Brytanii, Anglii

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education - secondary technical

School- car mechanic

course- stoker boilers-(carbon)

forklift operator course-warehouseman, computer and cash register

driver licence B (car)

wholesale oils and grease-seller

(1.5 years)

(9 years experience in the warehouse, loading specifications)

general construction worker

(2 years in a construction company)

trim-painting, wallpapering, insertion of windows and doors, flooring,

paneling and carpet laying, wall tiles and rigipsy

assistant baker and miller-

(0.5 years)

I worked in Germany (farm business) several times

I can work well under pressure time

no addictions

basic English ( I'm still learning English)

Interest - DIY at home, walking, motor sports, reading books, music,

I'm very creative, hardworking, and i can work in a group. I learn

very fast.

I greet

Dariusz Domina
ID ogłoszenia: #27881
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-12-07
Przeczytano razy: 562
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