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Dolączyć do ulubionychBusiness Partner – Franchisee


Position: Business Partner – Franchisee


Related area: Europe, Russia and North America

(At least one regional representative and on-line store per country)


Job Description

The Business Partner’s role will be related to development of My Tummy’s sales network within given area or country, promotion of joint marketing activities into end user markets according to agreed campaign targets. Furthermore, management and positioning of Business Partner’s own internet store.


Key requirements:

Excellent organizational and planning skills

Experience in sales also on-line will be a plus

Knowledge related to websites positioning

Knowledge of a local language is a must (written & verbal)

Knowledge of a local clothing market will be a plus

Experience with start-up projects will be an additional asset

Entrepreneurial attitude



Overall, we give the tools and the rest is running your own franchise business.

As is often the case in business, you need to invest your time and money.

We install shop on a domain of given country.

You will be obligated to translate our website to language of your country (native speaker)

You will be obligated to establish a relationship with marketing / positioning company. Here you will need to invest time and some funds to promote the online store.

You will be obligated to register the online shop in all possible business and industry portals as well as forums in the country.

Keeping Facebook and other popular social networking sites in a given country.

You will be responsible for keeping a stock at your cost. Here you decide on the products that should be in the store. Also you will need some funds. At the beginning you can offer our products virtually, but shipping should be wholesale because of the Polish retail shipments will not be profitable.

Establishing cooperation with mail and courier.

What we offer:

Opportunity to participate in company’s expansion.

Moreover, we offer a package of an internet store with our brand, which will be adopted for a local area / country and positioned on our domain.

This offer is an opportunity for both Business Professionals who want to develop their own business and wholesale network along with on line retail sales as well as for Individuals who search for additional income opportunities i.e. women on maternity leave.

If you are interested, please send your CV to

Miejscowość: Greater London
ID ogłoszenia: #28359
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-12-20
Przeczytano razy: 486
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