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Dolączyć do ulubionychfree help to get student loan to study in London

 FREE help to get student loan. I am a student at a top London College and I will help you to enroll and apply for a government backed loan of around £10.000 plus tuition fees. You only pay back the loan when you get a job earning more that £ 21,000 per year. No age restriction.... older people welcome! Also Polish, Romanian and ALL E.U. people. No good credit?...... no problem! No national insurance number?...... no problem!...... (I will help you get one) Only a few places left at my college to start in February so be quick!! Only Business , Management or I.T. courses at the moment. I will not charge you anything at all. (I get a small commision from the college) Call me 07450019421 (English speaker) or 07446063780 (Romanian/ English speaker)
Imię: Doug Enstrom
Telefon: +44 (0) 7450019421
Miejscowość: Greater London
ID ogłoszenia: #30039
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2013-01-17
Przeczytano razy: 428
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