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Dolączyć do ulubionychLive In Care Assistant/s- for the UK

What is the Job Description of a live-in carer?

To assist the clients with their personal needs like personal hygeine, washing, changing their clothes etc.

To assist them in taking their meals

To help the service users move in order to avoid bedsores

To change incontinence pads

To administer the treatment prescribed by their doctor

To change beds

To do the housework

Cooking and cleaning

To go shopping

What are conditions?

Net salary is £280 - £335/week (£1220 - £1450/month) depending on assignment

The working program is 7 days/week with 2 free hours/day. There will be 6-8h of actual working hours of hands on tasks. In the rest of the time you must be on call for emergency needs. Some assignments require waking up at night to assist the service-user.

You will work 4-5 weeks with 1-2 weeks break when you can travel to your country

You have the possibility to work 3 months, after that having a vacation of 2-4 weeks depending your preferences and employer’s needs of personnel.

The accommodation is provided free by the client

The meals: are either provided by the service users, or you will receive a £35 allowance per week from the employer

Medical Insurance (National Health Service)

Improve your English language skills and gain experience in a foreign country

What are the Job Requirements?

Good level of English is necessary.

Pleasant, communicative and confident person to work with the elderly

Experience is not compulsory, as training will be provided, but a strong motivation to work in the care industry and with elderly people is necessary
ID ogłoszenia: #31420
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2013-02-03
Przeczytano razy: 640
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