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Dolączyć do ulubionychSupport workers England

Female driver support workers / care assistants wanted for our top client from Surrey, England.

Benefits: £ 350 - £ 425 per week. Accommodation is provided for between £60 - £85 per week, including all bills. All company's houses are fully furnished and equiped and internet access is provided. Accommodation money can be taken out of the salary.

Work contract provided

Requirements: you must be able to communicate in English, experience is a plus but not mandatory, you must be healthy, provide 2 written references and have no criminal record. We are looking to employ only female applicants (due to personal care implied)

Free training is provided for everyone, plus assistance in driving from a driver instructor.

Free placements / no commission

Apply with full CV in English at: and full details will be provided
Imię: Uca Recruitment
Telefon: ­ro
ID ogłoszenia: #33153
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2013-02-28
Przeczytano razy: 545
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