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Dolączyć do ulubionychNeed a polish nanny full time!

Need polish nanny mon-fr (11-20pm)

Babyboy is 2years old and is full of energy so need someone who will play with him,takes him to the playgroups ..just have some good time together.Nanny can go to do some shoping or meet friends -I do not mind-the baby just must be safe and happy.

He is still having some naps-about 2 hours beetwen 1-3 so nunny will have some time for herself.

Nanny need to have experianced with children!
Imię: Anna
Telefon: 07895423179
ID ogłoszenia: #3347
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2011-11-23
Przeczytano razy: 452
Generated in: 1.0055 sec. ,mysql 0.9676 sec. (23)
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