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Dolączyć do ulubionychMedical Supply Agent/Distributor wanted

 Looking for an agent/distributor to help us enter the Polish healthcare facilities, such as rehabilitation homes, nursing homes, clinics, day-care centers, hospitals and prisons etc., to offer/sell medical supplies such as incontinence supplies (adult diapers, mattress protection pads etc) diabetic care, wound care, disposable gloves, bandages and dressings, newborn and baby/kids diapers and receiving blankets, DMA and everything relating to this field. We are a large and well-established medical supply company in the USA with direct access to factories which makes us able to offer medical supplies at very competitive prices. For further information please contact me at
Imię: Susan Philipson
Miejscowość: Poland
ID ogłoszenia: #33947
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2013-03-26
Przeczytano razy: 486
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