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Dolączyć do ulubionychPA/Admin support job

We are looking for vibrant, strong and extremely organised person to support us with our Real Estate development project in France.

It is an entry level job and salary is negotiable (up to £18,000 per annum depending on skills and experience).

The role will require some travel to France.


Traveling to France for a month at the beginning;

Fluent Polish (written and spoken);

Fluent English (written and spoken);

French would be an advantage but it is not necessary;

Good understanding of excel;

Ability to work with tight deadlines;

Attention to details;

Please send your CV to

Job has immediate start date.
Imię: Anna Jedrzejczak
Miejscowość: Greater London › Central London
ID ogłoszenia: #34246
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2013-04-07
Przeczytano razy: 502
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