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Dolączyć do ulubionychSingle Room with ensuite bathroom Epsom (West Ewell) Pokoj z lazienka

We have a room with en-suite bathroom to rent in a nice big house with a garden in West Ewell.

It's a 10 min walk from Ewell West train station

30 min walk from Epsom town centre.

The room is fully furnished.

All bills included as well as wi-fi internet.

Car driveway available.

We are a lovely family with one child.
Imię: Gosia
Telefon: 07733202705
ID ogłoszenia: #9140
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-03-17
Przeczytano razy: 535
Generated in: 1.0915 sec. ,mysql 1.0684 sec. (23)
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