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Dolączyć do ulubionychHello

Hello all who read this page I am a women 35 years 4 years ago I came to England with her son For several months I worked ina factory but I lett because I almost always have recourse, then the Friend even though I do not ktow the language załatfiła me at work aud soit works almost 3 years but unfortunately there is only a tempovary worker because the contract did not want to give because in our country to work diffevently,and unfortunately very little I eam too little so I thought that maybe theve is someone Who, despite the fact that I do not know the language very wellgive me a matter of normal operation Shas Why pay any move because I am a hardworking and no job is no longer scsved if something is not able to learn guickly and gave it to me even shas guickly learn English and it is so much waiting,hoping that someone will turn up.
Telefon: Magda
ID ogłoszenia: #12707
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-04-15
Przeczytano razy: 482
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