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Dolączyć do ulubionychHousekeeper/Cleaner wanted

We are looking for a housekeeper to work weekends of Saturday and Sunday 9am - 1pm and then again at 5pm - 7pm totalling 12 hours per weekend. This is a permanent role within a prestigious building. The role will involved working along side children aged 12 - 16 years old. Roles will include general cleaning, preparing basic meals and other general duties. The is a good opportunity for someone wishing to work for an established company. The hours may be increased to work within the same organisation therefore there will be more hours available to the successful candidate. Pay will be discussed with those interested in this role. Immediate start. Uniforms will be provided. Excellent communication skills are needed.
Imię: robert booth
Telefon: +44 (0) 2089962929
Miejscowość: Greater London › North West London, Harrow on the Hill
ID ogłoszenia: #33050
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2013-02-27
Przeczytano razy: 590
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