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Dolączyć do ulubionychLOVELY YOUNG NICOLE xx

Hello boys and girls.
I'm the new girl in town. A young slender blonde with big breasts and blue eyes.
It offers a professional massage and escorting.
I am a Latvia, speaks great English, :)

More than that I do professional massage!
Call now to arrange a meeting. I am available almost all the time !!

Hello boys and girls. I'm the new girl in town. A young slender blonde with big breasts and blue eyes. It offers a professional massage and escorting. I am a Pole/Latvia, speaks great English, :)

More than that I do professional massage!
Call now to arrange a meeting. I am available almost all the time !!

No black MEN sorry.
Imię: Nicole
Telefon: 07746885267
Miejscowość: Nottingham, UK
ID ogłoszenia: #35603
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2013-11-09
Przeczytano razy: 1246
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