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Dolączyć do ulubionychMSM Foods Limited - hurtownia spozywcza

MSM Foods Limited is one of the biggest polish food importers in northern and central England.

We exist on British market since 2008, offering our costumers over 11000 products at very attractive prices. MSM Foods Limited won award for: The Fastest Growing Small Business in Yorkshire 2012!!! For us costumers coming first and we treat everyone as an individual. We will do everything to satisfied your needs. Just simply check our prices, you will not be disappointed. It would be a pleasure for us to start doing business with You.
Imię: Sebastian
Telefon: +447517283933
ID ogłoszenia: #33759
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2013-03-18
Przeczytano razy: 665
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