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Dolączyć do ulubionychPraca dla kelnerek w prestiżowym lokalu.

Ponizej znajduje sie opis stanowiska. Posiadamy 4 pozycje dla kelnerek w najbardziej luksusowym lokalu w Amsterdamie. Przez pierwsze 2 tygodnie pracodawca oferuje zakwaterowanie. Osoby z odpowiednim doswiadczeniem proszone sa o przeslanie CV ze aktualnym zdjeciem najpozniej do 18 stycznia 2013

We are looking for professional waitresses to VIP restaurant in Amsterdam, Holland.

Guests visiting this place are usually from music industry, TV, sport or politics (e.g. in December Lady Gaga was one of the guests of this exclusive lounge). Please read below description and send us your most recent CV format including photo. First Interview is over the phone and second interview with successful candidates will take place in Nottingham on 21st of January. The company reserves right to contact only successful applicants.

Waitresses earn €1500 plus tips (around €500-€1000/month)

We can help for first two weeks with relocation (accommodation).

The benefits of the Horeca Union (Dutch law) are:

* 25 paid holiday days a year for a fulltime employee

* 8% of the salary (from 1st June till 31st May) holiday payment paid in May

* extra day off for fulltime employees for working on a National Banking Holiday (hourly employees get double paid)

* After one year working an appraisal with salary increase

* for 2011; 1,25% bonus (gross) of the yearly salary, only for employees who have worked the whole year of 2011 for Park Hotel


* Staff discount in Grand City Hotels and Resorts

* 50% staff discount

* Birthday voucher for dinner for 2

* Discount on Health Insurance by companies which who company have an agreement with.

* 50% of the bill of safety shoes for chefs, with a maximum of €50

* Lunch or dinner on every working day (by law, employees need to pay tax over the amount for the meals)

* Christmas present

Imię: Aleksandra Jagla
Miejscowość: Greater London
ID ogłoszenia: #30072
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2013-01-17
Przeczytano razy: 590
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