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Dolączyć do ulubionychSliczne jedno pokojowe mieszkanie w Norwood

Sliczne jedno pokojowe mieszkanie w Norwood na drugim pietrze. Wswzytkie rachunki zostaly wliczone w czynsz. Nieruchomosc posida jedna podwujna sypialnie , oddzielna kuchnie a takze salon. Ulica jest bez oplat parkingowych.

Bez ogrodu niestety, jednakze tuz obok park.

Po wiecej informacji w jezyku polski prosimy o kontakt z Izabela pod numerem 07879 348 300.

SW16 are delighted to offer this beautiful newly refurbished 1 bedroom flat located opposite Brockwell Park. ALL BILLS INCLUSIVE. The property is on second floor, and compromises of 1 double bedroom, a large seperate kitchen, and seperate lounge. The property consists of fully double glazing, and has gas central heating. In addition to this there is off street parking which is always a bonus. Although there is no garden, the park is located opposite which is great for the summer. The property has excellent transport links, and is located by all local amenities. For viewings please call on 0208 664 6688, 07595 842 227, 07587 152 280, 07879 348 300.
Imię: Izabela
Telefon: 07879 348 300
ID ogłoszenia: #13440
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-04-27
Przeczytano razy: 583
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