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Dolączyć do ulubionychSTOREMAN AND DRIVER

KNK Electrical Wholesalers was founded in Hayes Middlesex in 1985 and has grown steadily since then to become one of the largest single site, independently owned, electrical wholesalers/ distributors in the West London and Heathrow Airport area

As a storeman and driver you will be required to check in and put on shelving all incoming goods. You will be required to pick goods which are to be sent out and to deliver goods to customers in and around London.

Driving experience and knowledge of London routes would be an advantage.

Must have a clean driving licence and be able to drive transit vans

Must be able to speak and read English

Must be over 25 years old

Imię: Ashwin Koshal
Miejscowość: Greater London › West London, HAYES
ID ogłoszenia: #19791
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-07-18
Przeczytano razy: 563
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