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Dolączyć do ulubionychStudio Flat Streatham - Mowimy Po Polsku

RENT IS INCLUSIVE OF ALL BILLS!! SW16 are delighted to offer this BRAND NEW studio flat situated 10 mins from Streatham Common with easy access to Victoria and Central London. Accommodation includes one double bedroom, KITCHEN area with electric cooker, fridge fgreezer etc and SEPARATE SHOWER AND TOLET Share beautiful garden FOR EARLY VIEWING CALL. Single person only! 07879 348 300.

Po wiecej informacji lub w celu obejrzenia nieruchomosci prosze o bezposredni kontakt z Izabela pod podanym numerem telefonu: 07879348300
Imię: Izabela
Telefon: 07879348300
ID ogłoszenia: #11125
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2012-03-30
Przeczytano razy: 650
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