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Dolączyć do ulubionychSzukam faceta lub trans do związku

I'm looking for a guy or trans to the EU in uni


I'm someone Who Know It :)

I like my life, I like to be a woman and I know that and the guys are like,

here you will not see me straightening pictures hooker and thrusting up.
I'm looking for the man she could love. Give him your heart and body.
Man with a capital M:
Intelligent, humorous, resourceful in life, with a strong personality, responsible, sensitive,
warm to 60 years. I am 45 years old, 52kg 170w.
Write to me necessarily, can we manage together to create something cool.
I HATE WHEN calls me "nice bitch" "Hi Bitch" Bitches these are in the shelter
I am someone who does not like to August so shallow when someone evaluates these words

Nierobie doing LIVE Presentation on SKYPE and on camera
READING THAT YOU UNDERSTAND. People Read the. Or look to the dictionary a last resort.
I'm not a shemale. Please only read so much. Or posługujcię the words whose meaning you know.
Imię: hania
Telefon: 517414267
Miejscowość: łodz, UK
ID ogłoszenia: #36599
Ogłoszenie zamiesczone: 2014-07-21
Przeczytano razy: 1530
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